When you make the decision to study abroad with AIFS, it may seem that our application process is intense and that we request a variety of information — from the mundane, such …
Clíodhna Dunne
Clíodhna Dunne
Resident Director, AIFS in Maynooth, Ireland | Postgrad Diploma History, B.A. History & Accounting | Clíodhna loves to bake, she is constantly in the kitchen trying new recipes for friends and family! She also loves to travel. She has visited most of Europe and has been to America twice. She can't wait to explore more new and exciting places in the future! Clíodhna has worked for AIFS since January 2018. As well as working for AIFS, Clíodhna has spent the last five years working in Maynooth University. She has worked in the International Office and in the Mathematics Support Center.