When talking to friends and family about my time studying abroad in Berlin, Germany, I hear many variations of one common theme: “I’d love to study abroad as well, but …
Darby Joyce

Darby Joyce
AIFS Program: Berlin, Germany | School: Salisbury University | Bio: Hello! My name is Darby Joyce, and I’m currently living in Columbia, Maryland. I am a junior at Salisbury University on Maryland’s eastern shore, where I study international relations with a minor in psychology. I developed a love of travel at a very young age, while I was living in Australia, and I often catch myself daydreaming about all the places in the world I’d like to see. I studied with AIFS in Berlin, Germany, during the winter of 2016, where I learned so much from both the course I took at Humboldt University and the adventures I experienced in the city itself. The time I spent in Germany helped me learn to love being in unusual situations, from trying to break the language barrier to seeing sites I had only ever known from pictures, and I talk about my adventures there fondly to anybody who asks. I’m looking forward to working as an ambassador for AIFS, and getting in touch with other students who are ready to see the world! I can’t wait to hear from you and answer your questions!