Home Tales From Around The Globe AIFS 2020 Virtual Trivet

AIFS 2020 Virtual Trivet

AIFS Study Abroad trivets from NAFSA Conferences

Along with workshops, plenary speakers and really big lanyards, another staple of the annual NAFSA conference are AIFS trivets.

Coming to the AIFS booth in the Expo Hall means speaking with our staff about programs, innovation and initiatives, but it also means walking away with an attractive trivet that features a recipe of a well-known dish from the conference’s host city.

This tradition goes back a long time – so long in fact, we don’t even really know when it started! And while we won’t be gathering in St. Louis for the NAFSA 2020 Annual Conference and Expo, we are keeping the trivet tradition alive this year with a virtual trivet for the 2020 NAFSA eConnection.

In homage to the host city of the cancelled 2020 conference, we’re featuring a recipe for St. Louis-Style Ribs. Download your virtual trivet below – and take a look back at AIFS NAFSA trivets since 2002!

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AIFS Trivets 2002-2019


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NAFSA 2005: Seattle, Washington

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