Like most other students studying abroad in Europe, I came with the intention of seeing all there was to see. My expectation was that I would leave having visited every …
April 2018
Alumni Spotlight: Ryan’s Semester in Grenoble Leads to Work at Dept. of State
by AIFS Abroadby AIFS AbroadWe caught up with AIFS alum, Ryan Dooley, who studied abroad on our Grenoble, France program back in Spring 1995. Check out what he’s up to now and how spending …
Czech Republic
Major Differences Between Classes in the US and Czech Republic
by Zach Kunzby Zach KunzWhether you are still just thinking about studying abroad or are right in the middle of getting ready to head to your abroad experience, you are surely curious about what …
Living in London can be difficult for students on a budget because it’s one of the most expensive cities in the world, but luckily in some cases, no one has …
AlumniCzech RepublicGeneralShow lessShow more
How to Decide: Tips for LGBTQ Students Studying Abroad
Studying abroad is often times a daunting yet exciting thing to think about. The task of figuring out where you want to go alone can cause someone a large amount …
Of all the trips I’ve taken through Europe this semester, my favorite is the most simplistic. There’s nothing more revitalizing than getting out of the busy London life to a …
AlumniCzech Republic
10 Czech Food Experiences You MUST Have in Prague, Ranked
by AIFS Abroadby AIFS AbroadThere are so many benefits to studying abroad in Prague, including the beautiful besides architecture, convenient public transportation, fun cultural scene, and exciting history, but one of the best aspects …
AlumniEnglandGeneralShow lessShow more
How Studying Abroad Helped Me Land My Dream Job
by AIFS Abroadby AIFS AbroadAIFS Study Abroad Alumni Ambassador, Peter Kivuva from the University of South Florida, tells us about how studying and interning abroad in London had an impact on his professional life …