Home General How to Say I Love You in Different Languages

How to Say I Love You in Different Languages

by AIFS Abroad
Heart in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris Representing Love | AIFS Study Abroad

If you’re passionate about language learning, this one’s for you! This time of year, it’s certainly possible that you’re looking for a unique and romantic way to tell someone you care for deeply that you love them. If so, try saying it in one of the world’s many different languages!

Here are 12 ways to say “I love you” in different languages from around the world:

1. Spanish

Written: Te amo

2. German

Written: Ich liebe dich

3. Arabic

Written: أحبك’

Roman letters: Ahbak

4. Portuguese

Written: Eu te amo

5. Mandarin

Written: 我爱你

Roman letters: Wǒ ài nǐ

6. Italian

Written: Ti amo

7. French

Written: Je T’aime

8. Japanese

Written: 大好き です 

Phonetic: Daisuki desu 

9. Polish

Written: Kocham cię

10. Greek

Written: Σε αγαπώ

Roman letters: Se agapó

11. Korean

Written: 사랑해

Roman letters: Salanghae

12. Russian

Written: Я люблю тебяYA

Roman letters: Lyublyu tebya

These are just a few of the many different languages around the world — there are so many ways to say “I love you!” Do you know another way? Tell us in the comments below.

PS: If you love language learning as much as we do, consider a semester, academic year, summer, or January term abroad.

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