Connecting with alumni is a fantastic opportunity to learn more about a particular study abroad program or location. What better way to gain insight than to hear from a person …
Amie Knowles
Amie Knowles
AIFS Program: Rome, Italy | School: Emmanuel College | Bio: Ciao! My name is Amie and I am from a small town in New Hampshire. Currently, I am a rising Junior at Emmanuel College, in Boston, MA. I am majoring in Elementary Education and plan to graduate in the Spring of 2020. When I’m not busy with sports, school, and clubs I am usually drawing or painting. This past semester I had the opportunity to study abroad in Rome, Italy! Being a lover of art, this was an incredible experience. This experience not only satisfied my need for art, but made me discover my true potential. I was able to travel to Krakow, Poland and Florence, Italy thanks to AIFS. Not only was I taking art history and language classes at my university, but I had the chance to volunteer in a school. I was able to teach 3rd graders English. Being a future educator, this was an experience that I will always remember. This experience allowed me to discover that I want to be an international teacher one day. I believe that I left Italy with a better perception of life after college, confidence, and the capability to be fearless in situations where I may not fit in at first. I am incredibly grateful for my experience abroad. I cannot wait to inspire others to take the jump, study abroad, and discover what life truly has to offer them.