There are so many reasons to study abroad, but there’s one you may not think of inherently: Studying abroad can help you obtain a job in the future, no matter …
Megan Longerbeam

Megan Longerbeam
AIFS Program: Barcelona, Spain | School: University of South Florida | Bio: My name is Megan Longerbeam and I will be studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain during the Fall 2018 semester. I am a junior studying Global Business and Spanish at the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida. I’ve wanted to go to Barcelona since High School when I did a project on Gaudi’s architecture and fell in love with his style. This will be my first time in Europe so I’m very excited to go abroad and document my experiences!
Tapas are a culinary staple and a huge part of Spanish culture. There are so many different types of tapas in Spain that you are bound to find a few …