In the first of an upcoming series getting to know some of the faculty who have had their programs facilitated by AIFS in recent years, we chat to Jason Cain, …
faculty led
Customized Faculty-Led
Customized Faculty-Led Programs: An Introduction
by AIFS Abroadby AIFS AbroadAIFS was founded in 1964 and is a leading provider of educational and cultural exchange opportunities. Since we were established, over 1.5 million students have participated in our programs. AIFS …
Customized Faculty-Led
Faculty Interview: Meet Dr. Harper from Illinois Wesleyan University
by AIFS Abroadby AIFS AbroadDr. R. Given Harper is an Avian Ecologist and teaches Biology at Illinois Wesleyan University, Bloomington, IL. In Fall 2016, he accompanied a group of IWU students as Faculty Director on an AIFS Customized, Faculty-Led …
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