Warning: This post may contain satire. 😉
Today let’s talk about something different – why you shouldn’t study abroad. I mean, I’m sure you’ll have tons of other opportunities to live abroad and gain a deeper understanding of another culture – right?
You may want to avoid studying abroad at all costs if…
1. You don’t want your resume to get noticed.
Most college students don’t study abroad. If your resume says something like you spent a semester studying abroad in New Zealand, it’s probably going to get a second glance at the very least. You should skip out on having such a unique experience if you want to really savor the frustrations of a never-ending job hunt.
2. Lifelong friendships? Who needs ‘em.
Friendships formed while studying abroad are just built differently. Think about it – for the most part, everyone is in the same boat, living far from home and adjusting to a new environment and culture. These friendships often last long after your study abroad program ends. If the thought of building bonds abroad that can last half a century sounds horrible, maybe you shouldn’t study abroad.
3. The thought of learning beyond the classroom terrifies you.
Why see the Sistine Chapel in person when you have Google? And who would want to hear about the fall of the Berlin Wall from locals that lived through that era? Or practice speaking a language you’re learning with native speakers at a café? Here’s the deal – if you only like to learn inside the classroom, you’re probably not going to like the field trips and experiential learning that comes with studying abroad.
4. One step closer to graduation? No thanks!
Exploring the world and earning academic credit? Ew. If you want to keep graduation as far away from you as possible, you may want to consider not studying abroad. To make matters worse, AIFS Abroad has a wide range of programs that appeal to various majors and motivations… so chances are you will find course options that can apply to your degree.
5. You want zero support while abroad – you like to handle everything on your own.
Do you ✨live✨ for the rush of realizing you secured housing in San Jose, New Mexico instead of San José, Costa Rica? If this sounds like you, you’re going to want to take a hard pass on studying abroad with a high-quality program provider like us. With AIFS Abroad, you can find a program that includes everything you’re looking for (like tuition, housing, insurance, cultural activities and optional flight and meal plans). Plus, all of our programs have an experienced Resident Director or Location Staff on-site to help you throughout your program. Yuck.
Not convinced why you shouldn’t study abroad?
Okay, you got us – studying abroad really is THAT amazing. Just take a look at the exciting places you could spend a semester, summer or January Term: