When I embarked on my study abroad journey to Viña del Mar, Chile, I was 19 years old and a very inexperienced traveler. I had only left the country one …
Cayley Pinson

Cayley Pinson
AIFS Program: Viña del Mar, Chile | School: UNC Wilmington | Bio: Hi! My name is Cayley Pinson, and I am from Greensboro, North Carolina. My home university is the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where I am a Sophomore double majoring in General Sociology and Spanish. I will be studying abroad in Viña del Mar, Chile at Universidad Adolfo Ibañéz for Spring 2019! I am studying abroad because I want an immersive experience to improve my Spanish skills while learning and exploring a culture that is unlike my own. For me, Chile is the perfect place to study abroad because of its rich culture and incredible natural beauty, which will provide me with endless opportunities to travel and make memories! Fun fact about me: I have two Great Pyrenees dogs named Dudley and Tula, who I will miss immensely during my four months abroad!