No matter when or where you study abroad or do an international internship, odds are you’ll experience some level of culture shock during your experience overseas. While this can be …
Embarking on a new journey like study abroad, although exciting, can feel scary and confusing at first — especially if you are traveling alone. Feelings of homesickness tend to play a …
Culture shock and homesickness are very real. Before I left to study abroad, I thought that I’d be totally fine, that I’ve been out of the country before and lived …
I was diagnosed with anxiety eight years ago. This isn’t just “nerves” or “stress,” but it is a debilitating feeling of being overwhelmed and incapable. I have no formal training …
For me, it took four days before I was able to get over my culture shock and homesickness. Admittedly, I went into the study abroad experience thinking culture shock wouldn’t …
Don’t be fooled: This isn’t one of those generic, overly upbeat listicles detailing X number of ways to get over culture shock when you first arrive to your study abroad …