When people think of Greece, they unknowingly tend to think of Santorini. The famous white buildings with blue rooftops has swept the globe, giving wonder and interest to everyone who …
Elizabeth Martin

Elizabeth Martin
AIFS Program: Athens, Greece | School: Georgetown College | Bio: Hey everyone, my name is Elizabeth! I am a student at Georgetown College, and I am working towards a Bachelor’s Degree in Philosophy. I love learning and exploring new things about myself and the world around me. Therefore, I chose to study abroad in Athens, Greece; it is full of history and also the birthplace of Philosophy. To be able to study historical events in the same place they happened is a truly humbling experience. I hope to be able to capture and share this wonderful adventure with as many people as I can through writing, pictures, and stories.
Several people have the dream to travel the world. Once they get the opportunity, it can be difficult deciding where to go. Everyone is interested in and likes different things. …