On July 14th, 1789, over a thousand soldiers and armed civilian insurgents stormed the Bastille prison. This was a pivotal moment for the French Revolution, because it showed how much …
Ireland Headrick

Ireland Headrick
AIFS Program: Paris, France | School: UNC Wilmington | Bio: Bonjour! My name is Ireland Headrick. I’m a senior at the University of North Carolina Wilmington, where I’m majoring in creative writing and French. This summer, I’m studying abroad in Paris to improve my language skills and explore the aesthetic aspects of French culture. Paris is a world fashion capital, but it’s also one of the most forward-thinking global cities in terms of environmental stewardship and activism. It’s been a lifelong dream of mine to live in the City of Light, even if for only a short time, and I’m excited to experience it for the first time through AIFS.