While abroad, I’m sure you’ll probably have the itch to be able to travel to as many countries or cities that you can possibly get to. While I was overseas …
Justine Drewel

Justine Drewel
AIFS Program: Rome, Italy | School: University of Nebraska, Lincoln | Bio: Ciao! I am a junior at University of Nebraska at Lincoln. At UNL I am working on completing my marketing degree. I grew up moving around as a kid, which has made me always want to be on the move and exploring new places. Last spring, I spent the semester and studying and exploring in Rome, Italy. It was a truly incredible time traveling, getting lost a fair share of times (sorry mom), so much food, and being surrounded by so many different cultures. The semester I spent in Europe was more beneficial than I could have ever imagined, the experience, friends, memories, and independence will always be something I remember. I can’t wait to share my stories with others that AIFS helped me create as an AIFS Ambassador this next year.